AUGUST 7, 2023 The meeting was called to order with the Pledge to the Flag. There were 2 citizens, and 5 board members present. Minutes to the meeting were presented for review. A motion to accept the minutes was made by R Scheurer and supported by J Thelen. Motion carried. Correspondence: There was no correspondence. Cemetery: A Hengesbach had the enter and exit signs made for the cemetery drives. They look great. There are wood posts along the road that are rotting. The board will look at them to see about taking them out. There is a foundation that has a sink hole around it and the board has agreed to have it fixed. There is a limb coming down in the cemetery the board agreed to have taken down. Public comment: There was no public comment. Treasurer’s report: A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. Bills in the amount of $59054.95 to the general fund were presented for payment. A motion to pay the bills was made by A Hengesbach and supported by R Scheurer. Motion carried. TWP Business: J Heckman read the AT&T Metro Act. A motion to accept the AT&T Metro Act was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. J Heckman read the Portland Ambulance agreement. A motion to accept the Portland Ambulance Agreement was made by R Scheurer and supported by J Thelen. Motion carried. C Babcock announced that Diane Almy would like to be a representative for Lyons Township on the Ionia County Park Board. A motion to appoint Diane Almy to the Ionia County Park Board was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. J Heckman brought up the bid for Christmas decorations from Sid’s Floral. The board agreed to table until the next meeting. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 was made by J Thelen and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. Julie Heckman, Clerk Comments are closed.
ClerkJulie Heckman records these minutes. To contact her, visit the Board Members section of the website. Categories |