DECEMBER 2, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Babcock with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Board members present were: J. Heckman, R. Scheurer, J. Thelen, T. Thelen. Absent: None. Also present: Pewamo Fire Chief, Michael Yerge, Lyons Muir Fire Representative, Thomas Bennet and one citizen. Minutes of the meeting of November 4, 2019 were presented for review. Purchase of stamps for tax invoices in the amount of $1,320.00 increased General Fund expenses for the month to $21,487.20. A motion was made by Trustee Scheurer to approve the minutes as amended, supported by Treasurer J. Thelen. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE: A thank you note from Gary Craft was received by the Township for the prompt response of the Lyons Muir Fire Department to extinguish a blaze at the Craft residence in August. The Lyons Muir Fire and Pewamo Fire Dept. each received a check for $1,000.00 from Devereaux Saw Mill. Board noted Devereaux’s have supported both departments for many years. PUBLIC COMMENT: None CEMETERY: No reported burials or lot purchases for the month of November were reported. Trustee Scheurer reported the logs from trimming of trees and leaves have been removed. TREASURER’S REPORT: It was moved by Trustee T. Scheurer, supported by Trustee T. Thelen to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried. Cemetery certificate of deposit is maturing. $5387.10 will go to General Fund to reimburse for road repair in cemetery. Remainder will be renewed short term. Bills in the amount of $10,522.39 from the General Fund and $2,013.74 from the Building Fund were presented for payment. A motion to pay the bills was made by Scheurer, supported by J.Thelen. Motion carried. TOWNSHIP BUSINESS: Supervisor Babcock reported the contact he initiated with Ionia Life Ambulance resulted in a donation to the Township of a fully equipped 2012 diesel ambulance. Truck was being retired from Life Ambulance. Pewamo vehicle now being used for this purpose will be sold. The Board discussed the preservation of records and storage of cemetery documents. Further research on scanning of documents and placing on media storage will be done by Treasurer J Thelen and Clerk Heckman. Wickham Cemetery Service will be contacted on storage of cemetery documents. Supervisor Babcock informed the Board the placement of culverts on Wager Road should be canceled. There is no ditch for the water to drain. Board agreed to contact Ionia Road Commission to cancel work until further information on project is available. OTHER TOWNSHIP BUSINESS: None BUILDING FUND: Supervisor Babcock reported the tuck pointing is complete. Much repair was necessary. Windows are in need of caulking. Tom Bennett will try to find company who would provide this service. Apartment #2 has insufficient heat. Board asked Supervisor to get three bids for new heating unit. Supervisor and Clerk will make decision on award of bid and installation. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Scheurer, supported by T. Thelen to adjourn at 8:05 pm. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Connie Scheurer, Deputy Clerk Comments are closed.
ClerkJulie Heckman records these minutes. To contact her, visit the Board Members section of the website. Categories |