JUNE 1, 2020 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Charles Babcock with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Board members present were: J. Heckman, R. Scheurer, J. Thelen, T. Thelen. Absent: None. Also Present: Pewamo Fire Chief Michael Yergi and one citizen. Supervisor Babcock reported that due to the Covid-19 restrictions, no meeting was held in the month of May. To address the health safety of all attendees, proper spacing of seating and limiting the attendees to no more than ten has been addressed at this meeting. Public Comment: None Correspondence: None CEMETERY: Trustee Scheurer reported the cemetery flag which was torn and in need of retirement was replaced with a new flag donated by the Scheurer family. Wickham’s are currently removing and replacing foundations that were earmarked for repair. A special Thank You to Treasurer Jill Thelen for entering cemetery records on the computer system. TREASURER’S REPORT:. Treasurer Thelen reported the General Fund is in the process of being transferred to Independent Bank as checks are still outstanding at Union Bank. Treasurer Thelen advised the Board of a current certificate that is up for renewal. It was moved by Scheurer, seconded by T. Thelen to reinvest certificate of deposit in short term range of 6 to 12 mos. Motion carried. It was moved by Scheurer, seconded by T. Thelen to approve the April and May Treasurer’s report. Motion carried. Motion was made by T. Thelen, supported by R. Scheurer to approve the payment of bills for April in the amount of $9,060.45 from General Fund and $810.88 from Building Fund and for May in the amount of $9,055.11 from General Fund and $ 610.09 from Building Fund. Motion carried. Supervisor Babcock informed the Board that due to the economic impact the Coronavirus has had, Townships may see a reduction in Revenue Sharing. TOWNSHIP BUSINESS: Supervisor Babcock informed the Board the Ionia County Road Department cannot provide chip and seal as they are no longer a Road Commission. Township must hire them or an independent contractor to perform the maintenance. Board discussed the current millage and the future process of road maintenance. Clerk Heckman was directed to send a letter reminding the Road Department of the contract to chip and seal Pewamo Road that was signed by both parties. It was moved by Scheurer, supported by T. Thelen to place the $3000.00 received from the sale of the ambulance into the General Fund for use by Fire Department future expenses. OTHER TOWNSHIP BUSINESS: Pewamo Fire Chief Yergi reported the paperwork for the dry well is now complete. Nickleplate Rd installation will be done first as soon as water recedes followed by installation at David Hwy. Request was received from I’M SAFE for support. A total of 1345 children have been served in Ionia and Montcalm counties. It was moved by T. Thelen, supported by J. Thelen to donate $500.00 to I’M SAFE. Motion carried. BUILDING FUND: Supervisor Babcock reported tenants in the Township Building were not charged rent in the month of April. Store tenant was given rent relief for the month of May also. ADJOURMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by T. Thelen, supported by Scheurer to adjourn at 7:49 pm. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Connie Scheurer, Deputy Clerk Comments are closed.
ClerkJulie Heckman records these minutes. To contact her, visit the Board Members section of the website. Categories |