MARCH 1, 2021 The meeting was called to order with the Pledge to the Flag. There were 3 citizens and 5 board members present. Minutes to the meeting were presented for review. A motion to accept the minutes was made by R. Scheurer and supported by J. Thelen. Motion carried. Correspondence: There was no correspondence. Cemetery: Wickham’s did some snow plowing in the cemetery. Public comment: There was no public comment. Treasurer’s report: A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by R, Scheurer and supported by A. Hengesbach. Motion carried. Bills in the amount of $20,403.05 to the general fund and $6730.00 to the building fund were presented for payment. A motion to pay the bills was made by R. Scheurer and supported by A. Hengesbach. Motion carried. TWP Business: C. Babcock made a motion supported by J. Thelen to accept a Resolution to temporarily consolidate Precinct 1, Precinct 3, a few voters from Portland Township, and a few voters from North Plains Township that vote for Ionia Schools for the May 4, 2021 election. A roll call vote was taken: C. Babcock yes, J. Thelen yes and J. Heckman yes. Motion carried. A Resolution to allow local residents to protest Board of Review in writing was brought to the Board. A motion was made by R. Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. A roll call vote was taken: C. Babcock yes, J. Thelen yes, R. Scheurer yes, A. Hengesbach yes, and J. Heckman yes. Motion carried. There was a motion made by A. Hengesbach supported by R. Scheurer to accept March 10, 2021 to be the date of the first meeting date of the 2021 Board of Review. A roll call vote was taken: C. Babcock yes, R. Scheurer yes, A. Hengesbach yes, J. Thelen yes, and J. Heckman yes. Motion carried. Ionia County Road Department sent the Gravel, Gradall, and Brine agreements. A motion was made by R. Scheurer supported by J. Thelen to accept the Gravel agreement of Carrick Trucking @ $7.45 a yard, with Hopkins Rd getting 1000 yds., Staley Rd getting 1500 yds., and Park BLVD getting 750 yds., for a total of 3250 yards and total cost of $24,212.50. Motion carried. A motion was made by R. Scheurer supported by A. Hengesbach to accept the brine agreement of 26% Mineral well brine: 0.1325 per gallon. Motion carried. The board tabled the Gradall agreement for now. Supervisor Babcock suggested to the Ionia County Road Department that work needed to be done on Kimball Rd. Supervisor Babcock talked with Matt Zimmerman our Lawyer and Mr. Zimmerman said our Wind Energy Ordinance would be coming soon for the board to look over. Building: The board has 3 contractors giving bids for the remodeling of the new Township office. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm was made by R. Scheurer and supported by J. Thelen. Motion carried. Clerk Julie Heckman Comments are closed.
ClerkJulie Heckman records these minutes. To contact her, visit the Board Members section of the website. Categories |