May 2, 2022 The meeting was called to order with the Pledge to the Flag. There were 3 citizens, and 5 board members present. Minutes to the meeting were presented for review. A motion to accept the minutes was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. Correspondence: There was no correspondence. Cemetery: There was no cemetery report. Public comment: There was no public comment. Treasurer’s report: A motion to accept the treasurer’s reports for March and April as presented was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. Bills in the amount of $11,745.25 to the general fund were presented for payment. A motion to pay the bills was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. TWP Business: C Babcock announced we will be hosting the July 11, 2022, Township Association meeting. C Babcock has been talking with Life EMS about how much they would charge per capita to come for the Township of Lyons. They have quoted a price of $12.00 per capita which would be around $20,400 for the Township. We are still in negotiations for the ambulance contract. A motion to accept Larry Tiejema as our CPA this year was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. A motion to accept the bid from Carrick Trucking for gravel of 4,000 yards of 22A for $9.65 a yard was made by A Hengesbach and supported by J Thelen. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. Clerk Julie Heckman Comments are closed.
ClerkJulie Heckman records these minutes. To contact her, visit the Board Members section of the website. Categories |