OCT 2, 2023 The meeting was called to order with the Pledge to the Flag. There were 6 citizens, and 4 board members present. J Heckman was absent. Minutes to the meeting were presented for review. A motion to accept the minutes was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. Correspondence: There was no correspondence. Cemetery: R Scheurer reported that the port-a-potty is gone. J Wickham put up the enter and exit signs for the cemetery drives. Wickhams are cleaning up the downed branches and they fixed the foundations. L Randall said they (DPW) would trim some of the trees by the road at the cemetery. There are holes in the siding presumably from mowing, Tom Bennett will fix them. -Public comment: There was no public comment. Treasurer’s report: A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. The CD from Mercantile bank is up for renewal. A motion to renew the CD was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. Bills in the amount of $64,232.01 to the general fund were presented for payment. A motion to pay the bills was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. TWP Business: C Babcock invited the Muir/Lyons presidents to the meeting to talk about what the villages contribute to the fire department. The villages split the costs for the housing of the trucks and pay part of training for the firefighters. Chrouch Communications will get back with Chief Randall about getting the siren functional. Lyons/Muir Fire Department got a $30,000 grant. Thank you to Carol Randall for doing the work to get this grant for the fire department. This can be used for turnout gear and radios. It will most likely be used for turnout gear. It will need to be paid for up front then it will be reimbursed. Pewamo Fire Department is residing and insulating their building. The Village of Pewamo received a grant and also sold trees to fund this project. The fire department has given up on the dry hydrant. They will try and sell the parts they have already purchased for it. Staley road is now complete. They will do Tabor St. spring of 2024. C Babcock went to the Weber Dam Meeting. The Village of Muir received a grant of $1.5 million for trails and parks, with $140,000 matching funds. They are asking if we might contribute to this. The Board will discuss this at a later date. There was a discussion about firefighters. The reason it’s getting harder to get people to be volunteer firefighters is the many hours of training they need to have to become one. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 was made by R Scheurer and supported by A Hengesbach. Motion carried. Clerk Julie Heckman Comments are closed.
ClerkJulie Heckman records these minutes. To contact her, visit the Board Members section of the website. Categories |